In celebration of our addiction to the swimming events at the Olympics, and more specifically, the French swimming moose Alain Bernard, Jesse made French toast this morning. We had leftover sour dough bread from yesterday's Vindaloooooo (that we had used to temper the Sorano pepper spiciness), so this morning it metamorphosed into French toast. My copious amounts of real maple syrup have not yet arrived in the various UPS packages that are currently everywhere from Seacaucus to Oakland, so we used "Pancake Syrup." A sweet chill went down my bones that I was betraying my love for the real stuff, but at least there was 2% REAL MAPLE SYRUP in it. Also, the pancake syrup has been expired for a year. We bought it when we went camping at Assateague Island two summers ago, and recently rediscovered it.
Recipe as follows:

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